Friday, May 1, 2009

Uncle Dana's Here!!

After a brief two days "off" with no visitors, Zach finally met his Uncle Dana for the first time!  They had fun today getting to know each other, and hanging out for the very short periods of time that he is actually awake.  Uncle Dana will be here until Monday, so Zachary will have just as much time to spend with him as he did with Aunt Kelly.
Zach has spent the past week enjoying no doctor's appointments, and further developing his motor skills.  He loves to help turn the pages during story time, and is getting pretty good at moving his head from side to side during tummy time.  He's healing and improving tremendously each day, and we are incredibly blessed to have all of our prayers answered so wonderfully! Praise God!  - Brian + Kimmie


  1. Zachary looks like he is doing really well! You have some great pictures of him.


  2. dana and zach look like twinsies! but does uncle dana do jungle book...?

  3. Yeah Zach et al,
    I am so glad to see him w/o his casts... and having fun w/all is extended family... I will be happy to see Mrs. Z back at school too... We get some Kimmie time!! Yeah for Sanchez... and for Zach who will be SOOOO happy when Mommy gets home from school!!
    See ya soon!

  4. Hey Kimmie,
    We missed you today... I hope all is well w/Zach and the family...

    With Pugs and Hugs!
